The UK’s first fossil fuel-free major mixed-use development

Arbor launched in February 2023 and is the first building to be completed at Bankside Yards, it is 222,252 sq ft of flexible workspace over 19 levels.


Eight new buildings, peaking at 50 storeys, sit above 14 grand arches and complete the celebrated cultural walkway from the Royal Festival Hall to Tate Modern.

Launching Spring 2025, Opus will be the first residential building to open at Bankside Yards. Standing at 50 storeys with unprecedented views, Opus will be the pinnacle of refined living in prime central London.

A remarkable renewal is taking place, of a lost city intersection on the South Bank of London’s River Thames.

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Internationally acclaimed Mandarin Oriental will deliver the luxury 5* hotel to Bankside Yards.

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Bankside Yards

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Multi-award winning Arbor is the first building to be completed at Bankside Yards. It is 222,252 sq ft of flexible workspace over 19 levels.

Ambitious modern design complements heritage architecture.

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The most central riverside location in London. Easily accessible by train, bus, boat, tube, bike and on foot.

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Opus CGI

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NEO Bankside gardens

A best-in-class team including PLP Architecture, Make, Allies and Morrison, Stiff + Trevillion, MSMR Architects and Gillespies have pooled their expertise from some of the most admired developments worldwide to deliver Bankside Yards.

Native Land heads a world-class partnership of real estate leaders.

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NEO Bankside gardens

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NEO Bankside gardens

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For the first time in a decade, watch Antony & Cleopatra – a tale of love, duty and power – at the Globe Theatre, only 5 minutes’ walk from Bankside Yards.
Until 15th September
Find out more about Bankside Yards via the link in our bio.
Photo credit: Ellie Kurttz
#shakespearesglobe #londonculture #southbank #mysouthbank #southbanklondon #thisislondon #visitlondon #whatsonlondon #londonwhatson

Internationally acclaimed 5* luxury hotel Mandarin Oriental combines meticulous design and its signature style to deliver a distinctive urban resort at Bankside Yards.
Find out more about Bankside Yards via the link in our bio.
@plparchitecture @nativeland_ltd @nativelandlifestyle @mo_hotels
#mandarinorientalhotel #londonhotel #banksideyards #luxuryhotel #fivestarhotel #urbanresort

Arbor features terraces on every other floor, offering occupiers fresh air and iconic views across the London skyline.
Find out more about Arbor at Bankside Yards via the link in our bio.
@nativeland_ltd @nativelandlifestyle @plparchitecture @multiplexconstruction_uk
#bankside #southbank #workspace #commercial #londonoffice #londonbuilding #londonarchitecture #londonskyline

Did you spot Bankside Yards in @squaremile magazine? Photographed in the Victorian railway arches, BBC and Netflix star @zain.iqbl iqbl talks about life in the capital and his role in the television adapation of A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder.
Find out more about Bankside Yards via the link in our bio.
Photographer: @stillsbyconnor
Stylist: @jamesyardley
Stylist Assistants: @Ollie last and Sasha Venn Hair and Makeup: @bethany.j.long
@nativeland_ltd @nativelandlifestyle @plparchitecture
#opusliving #southbank #londonarchitecture #londonlifestyle #banksideyards #squaremile

Take advantage of everything from world-class theatre and art to riverside strolls and iconic landmarks on London’s South Bank this bank holiday. It’s all right on your doorstep at Bankside Yards.
26th August
Find out more about Bankside Yards via the link in our bio.
#bankholiday #londonculture #southbank #londonwhatson

A cultural and social landmark on the South Bank, Bankside Yards will include a variety of meeting places to cater
to a wide range of evolving lifestyle activities.
Find out more about Bankside Yards via the link in our bio.
@nativeland_ltd @nativelandlifestyle @plparchitecture
#opusliving #southbank #riversideliving #londonlifestyle #banksideyards #londonrealestate

Opus will emulate the style of a traditional European apartment building. Within, residents will be greeted by a hotel-style 24-hour concierge service with porte cochère vehicle access.
Find out more about Opus at Bankside Yards via the link in our bio.
@nativeland_ltd @nativelandlifestyle
#opusliving #southbank #riversideliving #londonlifestyle #banksideyards #restorationproject #londonrealestate

Arbor’s 3m by 3m floor-to-ceiling windows and low iron glass façade ensure exceptional natural light throughout the building, boosting wellbeing and productivity within the workspace.
Find out more about Arbor at Bankside Yards via the link in our bio.
@nativeland_ltd @nativelandlifestyle @plparchitecture @multiplexconstruction_uk
#bankside #southbank #workspace #commercial #londonoffice #londonbuilding #londonarchitecture #londonskyline

Arbor is a “...modern, forward thinking, flexible, environmentally conscious office space very much rooted in the history and materiality of the area”
Alasdair Nicolls Chief Executive,
Find out more about Arbor at Bankside Yards via the link in our bio.
#londonworkspace #commercialarchitecture #sustainablearchitecture